Transparency Interests Democracy

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Jun 26

5th PACE meeting – Vienna, May 7th and 8th 2015

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The 5th PACE meeting will be in Vienna on May 7th and 8th 2015

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May 30

4th Annual PACE Conference – Berlin, May 22nd-23rd

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The 4th PACE annual Conference, organized by the member organization de’ge’pol,  will take place in Berlin on May 22nd and 23rd. With respect to the current legal developments, the debate will be focused on lobby control efforts in Brussels and on the national level of EU Member States. Moreover, de’ge’pol is dedicated to create an… View Article

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Apr 29

P.A.C.E. at the OECD Forum on Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying


Paris, June 27, 2013 – P.A.C.E. General Secretariat participated in the Forum on “Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying. How to Win Back Trust?” sponsored by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), held on June 27th-28th, 2013, at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris. P.A.C.E. took part during the second session of the Forum:… View Article

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Apr 28

Conferência “O Lóbi numa sociedade democrática”


The Portuguese Assembleia Da Republica is organizing an important Conference, which will take place next Wednesday, 2nd of July, in Lisbon. Our PACE member, María Rosa Rotondo, will be speaking with Janos Bartok from the OECD. You will find the live-tweeting of the event at the @lobby_es account and you are welcome to retweet and comment as well. The full program… View Article

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Mar 01

Mandatory register of lobbyists: a proposal from Italy

Statements and wrote about the Forum “Transparency and Integrity in Lobbying. How to Win Back Trust?” organised by OECD. Giuseppe Mazzei, on behalf of Italian Association Il Chiostro and Micol Bertoni, on behalf of PACE Secretariat, spoke about the urgent need of guidelines on lobbying. You can find the articles at the following links: Lobby: forum… View Article

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Jun 28

V European Report on Public Affairs presented by Burson-Marsteller


Italian Minister Gianpiero D’Alia met Robert Mack, President of of Public Affairs european division at  Burson-Marsteller, a leading company for public relations and communications worldwide. On that occasion, the fifth report on lobbying activity in Europe was presented in the presence of more than 600 politicians from 20 european countries and the Bruxelles area. Read… View Article

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Jun 27

Gemeinsames Bekenntnis – An article by Dominik Meier


We hereby present you an article by our member Dominik Meier about PACE and Lobbying Regulation. Gemeinsames Bekenntnis. Was ist das Europäische Selbstverständnis der Public-Affairs-Community? In Paris trafen sich Vertreter der Branche, um das herauszufinden. Wohl kaum eine Personalmeldung hat in den vergangenen Wochen für mehr Wirbel gesorgt als diese: Der Staatsminister der Bundeskanzlerin, Eckart von Klaeden… View Article

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Jun 25

Rescue the Register! How to make EU lobby transparency credible and reliable


Publication date: Thursday, June 20, 2013 Author:  Ester Arauzo, Olivier Hoedeman and Rachel Tansey ALTER-EU report about the European Commission and European Parliament’s ‘Joint Transparency Register’ We have now reached a critical juncture in the debate on lobbying disclosure and reform in Brussels. The European Commission and European Parliament are reviewing their Joint Transparency Register,… View Article

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Jun 23

OECD Forum on transparency and integrity in lobbying – Paris, June 27-28


The OECD Forum on transparency and integrity in lobbying will take place on June 27-28 at the OECD Conference Centre in Paris. Participants will be representatives from the private sector and civil society to discuss lessons learned from firsthand experiences in designing and implementing rules and guidelines on lobbying. For more information, you can visit… View Article

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Jun 22

Commissioner defends transparency of lobbying in Brussels


New Europe, June 5, 2013 At an event at the Brussels Press Club heralding the release of the fifthGuide to Effective Lobbying in Europe, EU commissioner MaroÅ¡ Å efčovič defended the role of lobbying in Brussels. Speaking alongside CEO of lobbying firm Burson Marsteller EMEA Jeremy Galbraith, Å efčovič called lobbying “a legitimate exercise,” going on to… View Article

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